Press Windows + X keys to open the menu.You can also perform this method in safe mode. In most cases it fixes missing NVIDIA control panel in Windows 10 or Win 7. You can run device manager a built in Windows utility and update NVIDIA drivers. If the first method backfires then try this one. Solution 2- Update NVIDIA Graphics Drivers Right-click your desktop and see if your NVIDIA control panel reappears in the desktop context menu.In NVIDIA Control Panel, click View or Desktop, and then check Add Desktop Context Menu.In Control Panel, under View by, select Large icons.Type “ control” in the dialog box and press Enter. It will open Windows Control Panel. Press the Windows logo + R on your keyboard.Try to access NVIDIA control panel via Windows Control Panel and forcefully solve NVIDIA control panel missing issue. Sometimes due to upgrade graphics settings automatically changes. If you have a recently upgrade window then you should try this fix. If simple one is not solving missing control panel options problem then try advanced troubleshooting tips. You don’t need to apply all of them at once. Here we have explained 6 solutions some of them are simple but others are advance. Solutions To Fix NVIDIA Control Panel Missing Issue in Windows 10 How do I UN-hide my NVIDIA control panel?.How do I get to my NVIDIA control panel?.How do I reinstall NVIDIA control panel?.While we discuss how to fix Geforce control panel missing issue, we also tried to include auxiliary issues such as That’s a very annoying situation but hopefully we have a solution to this problem. Geforce experience not in the system tray.NVIDIA control panel only shows 3d settings.NVIDIA control panel settings not showing.Or if you somehow access NVIDIA control panel but it’s missing some features like many users questions that Now if you can’t find NVIDIA control panel on the desktop context menu or in the Windows Control Panel. Related: What is The Safe/ Normal GPU Temp While Gaming? These users also tweak with their NVIDIA graphics adapter, that’s when they face NVIDIA control panel missing thing. Today PC users use latest NVIDIA graphics card to experience the best game play.